Feb 2022


For the 2022 congress, everyone must resubmit a new course. Courses submitted in previous years will not be taken into account in the selection for 2022.

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Jan 2022

AOP congress, in Paris, for “eye-opening” moments

Get ready! The annual AOP congress will return in 2022 as an on-site conference with a highly practical and innovative scientific program. Register soon to see an even more diversified international faculty, hands-on labs, hundreds of learning hours all in person once again.

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Jan 2022


The biennial AOP congress will return in 2022 as an on-site conference with a highly practical and innovative scientific program presented to you in newly developed, dynamic teaching formats. AOP has been slowly but surely expanding over the last 33 years in both size and scope. From transforming the field with evidence-based medial to reinforcing international and inter-generational exchange, the objective is to revisit the way we understand and practice ophthalmology.

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Nov 2021

American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)

Annual meeting registration and hotel reservations are opening for Academy and AAOE members starting Wednesday, June 16.

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Aug 2021

European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS)

The 39th Congress of the ESCRS will take place at the RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam from 27 - 30 August 2021. The Congress will also be accessible on a virtual platform.

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Mar 2021

Journées de Réflexions Ophtalmologiques (JRO)

Les inscriptions en ligne aux 21es Journées de Réflexions Ophtalmologiques sont ouvertes

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Jan 2020

Les Ateliers d'Ophtalmologie Pratique (AOP)

Les Ateliers d'Ophtalmologie Pratique (AOP) ont le plaisir de vous accueillir au Palais Brongniart, en plein coeur de Paris, les 10 et 11 Janvier prochain. Pour cette nouvelle édition, nous vous offrons un contenu scientifique toujours plus riche et varié adapté à votre pratique quotidienne. Paris, France

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Dec 2019

CXL Experts' Meeting

The largest Corneal Cross-Linking congress will take place the 5 - 7 Decembre Zurich, Switzerland

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Nov 2019

Journées de Réflexions Ophtalmologiques (JRO)

Plus d'informations sur ce congrès seront disponibles très bientôt.

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Oct 2019

American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)

Join the Academy in San Francisco for AAO 2019, our 123rd annual meeting, Saturday Oct. 12 - Tuesday Oct. 15.

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